Aalto University tops Finnish ERC grants
Aalto University has so far been awarded more European Research Council (ERC) grants through Horizon 2020 than any other Finnish organisation, an analysis by Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, has found.
It is now the 28th most successful European university to apply to the funding programme, up from 59th in the Seventh Framework Programme and five places ahead of the University of Helsinki.
“I want to thank our entire personnel for a job well done,” said university provost Ilkka Niemelä. “This result shows that we at Aalto are doing ever better and internationally more competitive research. Thanks to that, our opportunities to expand our funding base in the challenges of the current economy are also improving.”
Altogether, Finland has been the target of around €200m in Horizon 2020 grants, with universities taking a €70m share.
Up until now, Aalto has received the third largest amount of funding in Finland (€17.2m for 28 projects), just below the University of Helsinki (€17.9m for a total of 40 projects). The largest share of Horizon 2020 funding has gone to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland with €34m.