Commission publishes initial results for ERC call
The European Commission has released the headline results of the 2015 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant call.
Brussels says it received 2,920 proposals in response to the call. Submissions are split across three categories, namely ‘Physical sciences and engineering’, which obtained 1,286 proposals; ‘Life sciences’, which collected 937 bids; and finally ‘Social sciences and humanities’, which had 697 research tenders.
The €430m call ran between October 2014 and February 2015 and, as part of the ERC, sits under the Excellent Science pillar. According to the blue sky research funding body, ‘Starting Grants aim to support up-and-coming research leaders who are about to establish a proper research team and to start conducting independent research in Europe’.
In addition to Starting Grants, the ERC also offers funding under the Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant and Proof of Concept grant schemes.