ERC’s Bourguignon preps for major gender event
The European Research Council has announced details of its participation at this year’s Gender Summit.
The conference, which takes place in Berlin, Germany, will be attended by Pan European Networks and include the participation of the organisation’s president, Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon. He will take part in a panel discussion on assessing scientific excellence on the first day of the conference on 6 November, where it’s anticipated he will discuss the stimulation of large scale, bottom-up research proposals.
Bourguignon will be joined by Professor Isabelle Vernos, ERC Scientific Council member and chair of the body’s Working Group on Gender Balance; she will lead the session ‘Gender perspectives from the ERC: From application to funding’, which also takes place on the first day.
The seminar will include presentations from ERC grantees and panel members, who will provide details on gender focused research, as well as an insight into the work of the organisation’s working group on gender.
Sitting on the session’s panel is Dr Anne McMunn, senior lecturer in quantitative social science and population health at the UK’s University College London; Mieke Verloo, professor of comparative politics and inequality issues at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands; and Professor Conny Aerts, director of the Institute of Astronomy and Vice-Dean of Communication & Outreach at Leuven University, Belgium.
Full details of Gender Summit 7 can be found here.