Italy to host ERC 2016 calls info day
The European Research Council has announced a national information day on the organisation’s 2016 calls, as part of Horizon 2020.
A review of Italy’s participation in the ERC so far will also be given and how EU research money interacts with national funding opportunities.
The one-day event will include a presentation on the 2016 work programme and ERC calls by Massimo Gaudina, head of the communications unit in the ERC Executive Agency, as well as ERC Scientific Council members Barbara Ensoli and Fabio Zwirner, who will discuss ‘The ERC’s scientific strategy’.
Also addressing delegates is Daniela Corda, national representative in the Horizon 2020 Committee for the ERC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and Future and Emerging Technologies, who will discuss Italy’s participation in the ERC so far and upcoming opportunities available to researchers. ERC National Contact Point Marco Ferraro will also speak to attendees, and information on how to succeed in the blue sky research organisation’s application process will also be given.
The event will take place at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, on 14 September 2015 and is being organised by APRE, a non-profit research association, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, University and Research and in co-operation with the European Commission. More details, including registration, can be found here.