Nearly 50 PoC bids meet key threshold target in ERC call
The European Commission has announced the flash results for its 2015 Proof of Concept (PoC) call February deadline. The call, which runs throughout this year and has multiple deadlines, has a total budget of €20m.
The call’s February deadline received 96 research proposals and experts judged that 49 had an evaluation score above the applicable threshold; two applications were judged ineligible.
The results mean that the total budget requested from the above-threshold proposals is just over €7.3m and the European Commission has announced that each of the 49 successful proposals have received funding. The overall average grant awarded per proposal is €149,660 and the first grant agreements are set to be signed by September.
Headline results have also been announced for the May deadline of the 2015 PoC call. The Commission says it received 107 proposals in response to the 28 May cut-off date. The call has one final deadline for 2015 when blue sky researchers can submit proposals – final applications must be received by 1 October.