184 FET Proactive applications received
The European Commission has announced that a total of 184 applications have been received under the first FET Proactive call of Horizon 2020.
The submissions to the FET Proactive call, which focuses on nurturing emerging themes and communities and helping to address the priorities outlined in the Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges pillars, are currently being assessed, and the winning results will be announced in August.
The Commission has similarly revealed that it has received nearly 500 contributions to its FET online consultation on future topics for FET Proactive. A report on the results will be released in September.
The FET Open Unit also has a new leader – Timo Hallantie took charge in June 2014 and is responsible for the management of FET Open projects in Horizon 2020. Speaking about his new role, Hallantie said: “I am excited to be part of the process where FET will grow beyond its traditional framework, and I will be looking forward to seeing excellent science.”
The FET Open Unit is located in the Research Executive Agency, and consequently, for the first time, some FET projects will be managed outside DG CONNECT.