56 proposals above threshold in FET HPC call
The European Commission has announced the results of its FET Proactive 2014 Call, focusing on ‘exascale high performance computing’ (HPC).
The EU institution has contacted successful researchers and said it received 83 project proposals for the first topic of ‘HPC Core Technologies, Programming Environments and Algorithms for Extreme Parallelism and Extreme Data Applications’. Judged to be above the threshold were 54 proposals, requesting total funding worth over €230.6m. Two projects were rejected as being ‘inadmissible or ineligible’.
In the second topic, entitled ‘HPC Ecosystem Development’, three proposals were received, but only two were judged to be above the relevant threshold; these submissions requested funding worth just over €4m.
The call has a total budget of €97.4m and ran from 11 December 2013 until 25 November 2014 under the Excellent Science pillar. It is anticipated that the relevant grant agreements will be signed by 30 June 2015.