CEO calls for greater graphene investment
A Canadian lab has highlighted the success of the EU in funding graphene and nanotechnology research, whilst criticising the country’s lacklustre efforts.
The chief executive of Lomiko said Canada was failing to capitalise on new manufacturing opportunities and instead concentrating on developing its oil industry.
Making his comments, A. Paul Gill said: “In twenty years the effect of graphene and 3D printing on society will be amazing, very much like the impact of plastics in the 60s and computers in the 80s. I hope that Canadian finance and government institutions recognise the opportunity for Canada to establish a competitive advantage. The EU has put €5bn into graphene research while most Canadians don’t even know about this Nobel-prize winning material.”
Partnered with Graphene Labs, Lomiko has launched two ventures in the graphene field and holds just over 10% of Graphene 3D Lab, a company focused on developing 3D Printing hardware and materials.
EU investment in nanotechnologies and new advanced manufacturing techniques include the Graphene Flagship, part of the Future & Emerging Technologies objective in Horizon 2020. There is also funding allocated under the framework programme’s Industrial Leadership pillar.