Commission introduces changes to HBP
The European Commission is emphasising greater integration, firm results and a new base location after a three-day independent review of the Human Brain Project (HBP) in Brussels.
Thierry van der Pyl, director of excellence in science at DG CONNECT in the European Commission, detailed in a blog post the initial findings and recommendations of the review by 19 experts. The evaluation sought to assess the achievements of the project during its first year.
The independent experts described the HBP as a “very challenging and ambitious project” and that “the ICT infrastructures and tools that HBP is developing will catalyse the way neuroscience research will be done in the near future”. The professionals also highlighted the importance of the FET Flagship in developing future brain theories.
Van der Pyl said that the project will concentrate on addressing three major challenges over the coming months, namely developing a world class experimental ICT infrastructure, realise further integration, and focus on delivering concrete results.
The director said: “The project must ensure a rigorous engineering approach in building the ICT platforms and to attract a large number of users who will help HBP co-design and validate the platforms. This is necessary for brain-related research and its wide use by the scientific communities.
“To better align and co-ordinate scientific and data-related activities with brain modelling and simulations; in particular, cognitive architectures and experiments are fundamental to provide essential knowledge and strategic data for top-down and bottom-up modelling and simulation of the brain and its functions.
“To put in place a more efficient organisational structure and strengthen the communication and engagement with the scientific community and the public by developing clear messages based on concrete project expectations.”
This was the first annual review of the HBP. Last year, over 100 scientists threatened to boycott the project as allegations of mismanagement arose. A final report by the independent experts will be submitted to the Commission in March, followed by a revision of the HBP framework partnership agreement.