Commission to preview FLAG-ERA call
The European Commission will begin welcoming applications for the Flagship (FLAG) ERA-NET call next Monday.
The invitation is the first joint transnational call for collaborative research projects and covers both FET flagships – the Graphene project and the Human Brain Project (HBP). The call will comprise two topics, each focusing on supporting research projects in synergy with the two FET flagships. Topics under Graphene include advanced nanofabrication and spintronics, multifunctional composites, and new layered materials and heterostructures. Similarly, areas under the HBP include targeted mapping of the mouse brain and human brain, brain simulation and neuroinformatics.
The call brings together national and regional funding organisations, with the aid of the European Commission, to help support the work of the FET flagships, helping them to achieve their ultimate aims.
The deadline for the call for proposals is 27 January 2015, with the publication of results expected in September. Further pre-announcement details can be found here.