Final plans for Researchers’ Night 10th annivarsary
Researchers are making final preparations for the upcoming ‘European Researchers’ Night’, due to take place on 25 September throughout the continent.
This year’s events, which mark the tenth anniversary of the annual occasion, are themed around the title of ‘Science is wonder-ful’. Individual events are taking place throughout Europe, with the public invited to learn more about innovative research projects and the work of scientists, as well as learn about possible career opportunities.
In order to celebrate the tenth anniversary, this year’s events will also highlight the top experiences on display during the past decade. European Researchers’ Night is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, funded by Horizon 2020.
Families, pupils, students, teenagers and young researchers are all encouraged to attend the free various events; politicians and representatives from EU institutions will also be taking part.
More information can be found here.