Final FP7 MCA bid deadline announced
The European Commission has invited scientists to bid for the final Marie Curie Actions grants under FP7. A thousand researchers are expected to share an estimated €227m.
The Marie Curie Actions (MCA) promote research careers in Europe through funding schemes managed by the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency. Under FP7, nearly half of the funding supported PhD training for researchers whilst 24% was allocated to fellowships for researchers with more than four years of post-master’s experience. Researchers in the UK, the US, France and Germany were the most successful in receiving funding.
Commenting on the final round of financing, Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for the Marie Curie fund, said: “In times of budgetary rigour, public spending must be directed to policies that generate the most benefits for citizens and the European economy. Our Marie Curie fellowship grants ensure support for excellent research in areas like healthcare, which can result in breakthroughs that transform the lives of millions. Recent Marie Curie beneficiaries have carried out groundbreaking research aimed at tackling Hepatitis C and malaria, for instance.”
The final FP7 application process will run until 14 August 2013. The Marie Curie Actions will continue under the Excellent Science pillar of Horizon 2020 with an estimated budget of €5.75bn.