HE deal sees more student exchanges
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Seo Nam-soo, Minister of Education of the Republic of Korea, have signed an agreement to strengthen higher education partnerships between the EU and Korea.
The agreement envisages more exchanges among university students and staff, new efforts to promote mutual recognition of qualifications and study periods, and a policy dialogue on issues of common interest in the field of education and training.
Speaking about the agreement, Vassiliou said: “Europe has some of the best universities in the world but none can afford to rest on their laurels. They need to adapt and think international to ensure they deliver high-quality education and the skills our young people need for the future. Korean universities are in a similar situation and we can learn a lot from each other.”
The new agreement will promote exchanges between the EU and Korea on policies and best practices, as well as increased support for partnerships between universities and other education organisations. It will help both countries to prioritise action to support the reform, modernisation and internationalisation of higher education, including practical measures to remove barriers to student and staff mobility. Doctoral fellowships will be financed by the new Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, part of Horizon 2020, and Erasmus+, which will be launched in January 2014, will provide increased opportunities for co-operation and mobility between the EU and Korea.
Higher education is at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy to help increase the EU’s competitiveness, growth and jobs.