More information released on MCAs
The European Commission has released more information on the role the Marie Curie Actions will take in Horizon 2020.
The Marie Curie Actions (MCA) are to be renamed the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs) in Horizon 2020 to reflect the name the Polish-born scientist used following her marriage to French scientist Pierre Curie, and will fall under the Excellent Science pillar of the next research and innovation framework programme.
MSCAs will sit alongside other related areas aimed in increasing the quality of Europe’s science base and long-term competitiveness which include Future and Emerging Technologies, the European Research Council and investment in Europe’s Research Infrastructures.
The Actions are currently part of the People Programme in FP7 and their structure will be simplified under Horizon 2020. Plans include combining the existing Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development, International Incoming Fellowships, International Outgoing Fellowships and Career Integration Grants programmes into a new Individual Fellowship scheme.
The Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways and International Research Staff Exchange Scheme will also be put together to form a new Research and Innovation Staff Exchange programme.
The Initial Training Networks will be renamed the Innovative Training Networks. Applications made under COFUND will remain the same.
The MSCAs are expected to receive a budget of approximately €5.7bn under Horizon 2020.