Online seminar on MSCAs held
On Tuesday 10 June, potential applicants can follow a web-streamed training seminar concerning two open calls for EU research funding proposals, Individual Fellowships (IF) and COFUND.
The two calls are part of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs), which fund the mobility of researchers across borders and sectors, to ensure excellent and innovative research training, as well as attractive career and knowledge exchange opportunities.
Web-streaming will begin 10 to 15 minutes before the beginning of the seminar at 2pm CEST. The session will be recorded and available via the same link for at least a year following the event.
Individual Fellowships aim at enhancing the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence through advanced training, and international and inter-sector mobility. They provide opportunities to gain and transfer new knowledge and to work on research in a European context or outside Europe. The scheme supports the return and reintegration of researchers who have previously worked in Europe. It also helps individual researchers with potential to develop or to restart their careers.
The main objective of the COFUND scheme is to stimulate regional, national and international programmes to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development, based on MSCA best practices. To achieve this goal, the scheme will co-fund new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to be opened and provide for international and interdisciplinary research training, as well as the mobility of researchers across borders and sectors of activity at all stages of their career.
The call for Individual Fellowships was published on 12 March; the deadline for applications is 11 September. The two calls currently open have a combined budget of €325.5m under Horizon 2020.