Brussels hosts MSCA forum
On 29 June a forum will take place in Brussels, Belgium, that focuses on supporting researchers in achieving Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fellowships.
Divided into two parts, the event will promote private sector opportunities through representatives of EU institutions, MSCA fellows, businesses and academia, as well as cross-sectoral researcher mobility and advice for MSCA applicants.
An exhibition and networking area will also form part of the event wherein participants can interact with representatives from businesses, researchers and academic institutions.
The opening discussion, ‘Intersectoral mobility: setting the scene’, will feature a panel of experts including Martine Reicherts, director general of DG Education and Culture, and Herman Van der Auweraer, director of global research at Siemens Industry Software.
Other morning sessions include panelists and speakers such as: Dr Michalina Oplatowska-Stachowiak, MSCA fellow at EuroProxima BV; Pieter de Jong, EU liaison officer at Wetsus (Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology); Virginia Gotor, technology transfer manager, BSH Spain (Bosch Group); and Dr Vesna Prčkovska, MSCA fellow, co-founder and CSO at Mint Labs.
Afternoon sessions will focus on advice for MSCA applicants and will feature panelists such as Kitty Fehringer from the Research Directorate General at EU Services, and CSO at PERCUROS BV, Alan Percuros.
The MSCA forum will feature, for the first time, a ‘Society and Enterprise’ Panel under the Individual Fellowship call 2016.
With a budget of €10m, this multidisciplinary panel of the European Fellowships promotes career opportunities for non-academia researchers and the participation of the non-academic sector, enabling such organisations to benefit from MSCAs and other Horizon 2020-associated initiatives.
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