€3.5m project to explore deictic communication
A major new €3.5m research initiative led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) will aim to improve understanding of a fundamental part of human communication. DComm will see 13 different projects explore deictic communication over the next four years in an attempt to gain further insight into human to human and human to system interaction. Its results could pave the way for improved mobile phones and...
MSCA award winners revealed
The winners of the 2015 COFUND awards have been publicised....
Project seeks to link Big Data and chemistry
Horizon 2020 is supporting a European project aimed at connecting Big Data and biomedi...
MSCAs back drug research and training mission
Scientists at Germany’s Helmholtz Zentrum München are co-ordinating a European rese...
Innovation venture seeks researchers
A five-year MSCAs project has announced its search for researchers in order to help en...
Bulgaria celebrates EU Researchers’ Night
Six cities across Bulgaria have participated in the tenth anniversary of European Rese...
JRC joins Researchers’ Night 2015
Scientists from the JRC are highlighting key breakthroughs across major Italian cities...
EU celebrates ten years of European Researchers’ Night
The European Commission is marking the tenth anniversary of European Researchers’ Ni...
ERC presents ‘EU Corner’ as part of Researchers’ Night
The ERC is presenting the ‘EU Corner’ booth at Autoworld in Brussels as part of it...
Wave energy plant secures H2020 funds
Aquamarine Power and the National University of Ireland, Maynooth have secured an €8...
Virtual discovery on European Researchers’ Night
Details have been announced for a major event that will take place at a university in ...
MSCAs back Parkinson’s research
A research centre at NUI Galway in Ireland have secured a €4m Horizon 2020 grant to ...
Wales seeks top researchers after MSCAs win
The Welsh Economy and Science Minister has announced more than £17m of funding to att...
Final plans for Researchers’ Night 10th annivarsary
Researchers are making final preparations for the upcoming ‘European Researchers’ ...
MSCAs event announced
An event focusing on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions is to be held at the UK’s U...