Abu Dhabi to host H2020 smart cities event
The launch of Horizon 2020 will take place in the United Arab Emirates later this month.
The announcement was made as details were revealed for a conference on smart cities. The UAE-based Masdar Institute of Science and Technology has also said it would be participating in the INCONET-GCC2 project funded by the European Commission.
Both events, hosted by the institute, will take place in Abu Dhabi under the title ‘Smart Cities for Sustainable Development: European and GCC Perspectives and Horizon 2020’ from 14-15 October. The first day of the summit will focus on smart cities and sustainable urban development and will include a visit to nearby Masdar City, an ecological, green energy city under construction near to Abu Dhabi. There will also be a visit to Masdar Institute to explore smart features and sustainable architecture.
The INCONET-GCC2 project brings together 20 countries from across Europe and the Middle East and focuses on growing international co-operation in science, technology, research and innovation between EU and the Arabian Gulf countries. It is also hoped bi-regional co-ordination towards Horizon 2020 can be increased as well. Masdar’s Center for Smart and Sustainable Systems is the latest member to join the project.
In comments carried in the Gulf Today, the president of Masdar Institute, Dr Fred Moavenzadeh, said, “The region’s leading research-based institution is privileged to partner with other stakeholders to lay greater emphasis on smart infrastructure and sustainable development. With the support of the UAE leadership, we have effectively raised our profile through hosting global and interregional conferences such as the INCONET-GCC2 for Horizon 2020. We believe the conference will immensely help raise awareness on smart infrastructure, leading to the arrival of innovative new green solutions.”
Industrial leaders in smart infrastructure, city planning and sustainability fields are expected to attend the conference in the UAE.