Austria and Israel launch bilateral call for joint R&D projects
Austria and Israel have announced a bilateral call for proposals for joint R&D projects focusing on developing innovative products and applications in various technology areas. The call is announced within the framework of the FFG – OCS/MATIMOP/ISERD Co-operation Agreement between the two national funding agencies for co-operation in the field of industrial research and development.
Its main objective is to launch projects with joint participation of companies from the two countries and provide R&D funding to qualifying participants through the national programmes managed respectively by the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) of the Ministry of Economy in Israel, and by FFG, the Austrian Research Promoting Agency, in Austria. The programme is managed in co-operation and in line with the EUREKA innovation platform. The first deadline for submission will be 28 May 2014, and the second will be 29 October 2014.
Expected project results will have to contribute to the development of civilian and commercial products, applications and/or services. The project partners should include at least one Israeli and one Austrian commercial company. The participation of research institutes and/or academic institutions is welcome, as are additional participants or subcontractors according to each country’s funding regulations.