EU supports research collaboration with India
The EU is attempting to support research collaboration with India via two projects known as INNO INDIGO and INDIGO POLICY.
INNO INDIGO is a horizontal ERA-Net with India and is the successor project of New INDIGO (2009-2013), which successfully implemented schemes for EU-India transnational calls for proposals (New INDIGO Partnership Programme). The calls have developed from simple networking and mobility funding towards the funding of research projects open for SME involvement.
INNO INDIGO will offer opportunities for interested funding organisations to participate in all steps taken towards the implementation and management of EU-India transnational calls. The experiences from the past five years will be used in order to further enhance EU-India co-operation, as well as in order to support and further develop bilateral as well as multilateral activities. There are various new elements addressed in the INNO INDIGO ERA-Net, including how to bring ideas to market, how to support young researchers and how to develop new forms of collaboration.
The INDIGO POLICY project is a three-year Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) co-ordination and support action project with India. It supports and co-ordinates bilateral activities and initiatives between Europe and India in order to build mutual areas of interest between the two regions in the fields of science, technology and innovation.