European Commission sets out its support for Ukraine
The European Commission has set out measures that it will take to support education and research in Ukraine.
Ukraine will continue to take part in eTwinning for schools, with 101 schools and 280 teachers already registered since the official launch in March 2013. Researchers will be able to apply for doctoral or post-doctoral fellowships of other research grants available under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions.
Staff mobility for training and teaching will also be promoted. Ukrainian students and universities will be able to participate in high-level joint Master degrees offered by a consortia of European universities. Capacity building measures will be offered to universities to modernise curricula, teaching practices, upgrade facilities and improve governance. Erasmus+ will also fund youth mobility through youth exchanges, the European Voluntary Service and mobility of youth workers.
Under the new Erasmus+ programme, the EU will offer more opportunities for student mobility, academic co-operation and youth exchanges. The Erasmus+ programme will support short-term student mobility in both directions to obtain credits in a host institution, which are then recognised by the home institution. It is estimated that more than 4,000 young Ukrainians will benefit from university exchanges under Erasmus+, and more than 7,000 will take part in youth projects and exchanges.