Demographic change strategy agreed
Demographic change strategy agreed © Vinoth Chandar 30 April, 2014

Joint research agenda on demographic change adopted by 15 countries

Canada has joined 14 European countries in adopting a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) as part of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) ‘More Years, Better Lives – The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change’.

Ageing is the principal focus, but the research agenda also addresses other factors influencing demographic change, including fertility rates, rural depopulation, and migration. The agenda has a particular focus on the kinds of research that can inform policy. Among the SRA’s research topics are quality of life, wellbeing, and health; learning for later life; ageing and place; and welfare models.

JPIs enable member countries to co-ordinate their research on specific societal challenges more closely. ‘More Years, Better Lives’ is now preparing the implementation of the SRA. The success of the initiative requires active participation of national governments and funding agencies with joint activities such as joint calls as well as alignment of their respective research policies and programmes.