New Zealand welcomes EU science efforts
The chief science adviser to the prime minister of New Zealand, Sir Peter Gluckman, has congratulated the EU in helping to bring greater global collaboration to the scientific community.
“I must applaud the EU today for its efforts”, Gluckman said, “R&D is a key part of New Zealand budget…and global discourse is limited today.” He also noted the EU’s work in the Global Science Forum.
Also speaking at the opening plenary event was Dr Sanja Vlahovic (pictured left), minister of science in the government of Montenegro. The EU candidate country minister said she hoped her country would fully take part in Horizon 2020, adding her positivity towards helping SMEs in their innovation efforts. “SMEs are basis for our country and every economy,” Vlahovic commented.
Also in attendance was Gary Goodyear, minister of state for science and technology in the Government of Canada. Outlining his thoughts, Goodyear said it was important for Europe and Canada to work together. “Canada and Europe are natural partners as they share natural values,” Goodyear said.
Other international representatives include Morocco, Sudan and South Africa. The ‘EU Science: Global Challenges & Global Collaboration’ is taking place at the European Parliament in Brussels.