Ukraine minister urges H2020 participation
The Ukrainian Minister for Science and Education is encouraging his government to get involved in the EU’s latest research and innovation framework programme.
In comments carried by the Ukraine News Agency, Serhiy Kvit said it was important that funding from the programme was accessed and that an association agreement with the European Commission to participate in Horizon 2020 needed to be signed by 20 March 2015.
Speaking in a cabinet meeting, Kvit commented: “This time when we have significant problems with funding of the scientific research, our universities, our research investments must get access to such a big grant programme.”
Kvit also argued that Ukraine could especially benefit from the participation in Horizon 2020 this year as the country would not be required to pay any fees to Brussels.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk asked Kvit to explain the importance of participation in Horizon 2020 to higher education institutes in the country, adding: “We need to think about the future, and our future – a high IQ.”