Young people could win trip to COP22
Young people are being offered the chance to shape a sustainable future and win a trip to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP22).
Held in Marrakech, Morocco, in November, COP22, organisers have opened the Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change. The deadline for entries is 30 August 2016, anyone between 18 and 30 years of age are eligible to participate.
The competition is run by Television for the Environment (tve) and forms part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Action for Climate Empowerment and Momentum for Change initiatives, which will culminate in an awards ceremony in Marrakech.
Cheryl Campbell, executive director of tve, said: “Last year’s entries to the Global Youth Video competition – from 60 different countries – gave an inspiring insight into the passion and ambition of young people for combatting climate change. We are thrilled to be partnering with the UNFCCC team to run the competition again this year, and we are looking forward very much to watching the films as they arrive.”
Nick Nuttall, UNFCCC spokesperson, added: “Young people are taking action on climate change and the environment and we want to hear and see what they are up to in order to inspire the UN and everyone across the globe. So whether it’s leading a divestment campaign at university campus; running a sustainable business; or broadcasting programmes on climate change via a village radio station, send us your amazing videos, get noticed internationally and maybe be one of this year’s winners.”
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