Profile: Creative and prolific
It is an inspiring time for the city of Varberg, a thriving seaside community on the south-west coast of Sweden, as Jan Malmgren, executive director of the Office for Sustainable and Strategic Planning, explains.
Creativity, innovation and a strong focus on the social and cultural aspects of sustainability are at the very heart of developing the city of Varberg to become the Swedish West Coast’s ‘Creative Hot Spot’. The municipality is growing quickly and has a population approaching 60,000, mainly due to its location between two expanding regions – Göteborg (the West Sweden region) and Malmö (the Öresund region). Varberg is a stronghold for culture and tourism, and is especially renowned for its 13th Century fortress, long stretches of beautiful beaches and inland deciduous woodland with plenty of small lakes. It is also well known among surfers from all across northern Europe as one of the best places in Scandinavia for all kinds of surfing.
The City of Varberg is focusing strongly on sustainable development and has been acknowledged for its success in bridging the gap between public service and the diverse interests of various partners in society (e.g. commerce, business, industry, development, conservation, culture, etc.). The municipality has a sharp focus on the way ahead, and a portfolio full of solid strategies. The sight is clear, the community is thriving and the future looks bright.
Prime directive
In 2010, the City of Varberg was appointed as ‘Sweden’s best growing municipality’. This was achieved through our determination to involve society through projects and networks to build on best practice examples, and for raising a general sense of awareness for the joint responsibility among partners in society for shaping a better and more sustainable future for all. These joint efforts have paid off. Mostly, it has shaped a positive climate where creativity, innovation and problem solving are constantly high on the agenda. As a result, these efforts are now integrated in the ‘Prime Directive’ for the municipality, a vision for Varberg 2025. This vision was agreed upon politically in November 2011 and is now fully in the works through various levels of local policies and guidelines.
The vision for Varberg is to become the Swedish West Coast’s ‘Creative Hot Spot’ by the year 2025, and emphasises the unique opportunities at hand through the location, the sea and the countryside – not to mention the creative force of people, which is fundamental to the directive.
Innovative thinking, knowledge and courage are key elements identified as essential to achieve reaching the vision. Further, it highlights the need for local government and authorities to strive for making it easier for people in their everyday life, and to be a good inspiration for encouraging more people to strive for their own dreams and goals. It also builds upon two central approaches – sustainability and empowerment – where the needs of today must be supported by not jeopardising the needs for generations to come, and where society needs to have an open climate, be tolerant, welcoming, inclusive and caring. It particularly emphasises that people must be engaged in important decisions, building a sense of empowerment.
Jan Malmgren, PhD
Executive Director
Office for Sustainable and Strategic Planning
+46 (0)340 88108