Last call for key cPPP research proposals
Several Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges calls helping to implement the European Commission’s contractual public private partnerships (cPPPs) will close tomorrow.
A €143m call entitled ‘Factories of the Future’ (FoF) will have its final submission deadline. The Industrial Leadership call’s topics focus on ICT, manufacturing, the use of robots, assembly processes and production machinery.
Also closing under the Industrial Leadership pillar is the €75m Sustainable Process Industries call, which supports the SPIRE cPPP. The call encourages project proposals under several topics, including energy and resource management, and developing new adaptable catalytic reactor methodologies.
A third Industrial Leadership call closing is entitled ‘Energy-efficient Buildings’, with topics covering the innovative design and refurbishment of buildings, thermal energy storage and reducing the gap between predicted and actual energy performances. The call has a budget of just over €62m and is related to the Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) cPPP.
The final call, ‘Energy efficiency – PPP EEB and SPIRE topics’, sits under the Societal Challenges pillar. The call covers the topics ‘Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings’ and ‘New technologies for utilisation of heat recovery in large industrial systems’ and supports both the EeB and SPIRE cPPPs. It has a budget of €19.5m.
The FoF, EeB and SPIRE cPPPs are considered to be cross-thematic in partnerships by the European Commission. The eight cPPPs, which also include European Green Energy Vehicles, Photonics, Robotics, High Performance Computing and Advanced 5G networks, topics are considered to be of “strategic importance for the European industry” by the Commission.