RTO association welcomes KETs report
The European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO) has welcomed the final report of the European High Level Group on the Key Enabling Technologies (KET).
Published on 24 June, the report makes important recommendations to increase the exploitation of KETs in Europe so as to allow industry to cope in an increasingly competitive global environment.
Welcoming the report, EARTO drew particular attention to three recommendations of the report to which RTOs will make a significant contribution. These include boosting European technology infrastructures to support industry, strengthening KET pilot lines and demonstration activities, and making significant investments into manufacturing through new EU tools.
EARTO also iterated its strong support for the report’s finding that ‘appropriate support to European innovators along the innovation chain and to key players along the value chains is crucial.
‘To do this, the current framework and policies should be modernised to link together all development steps from idea to product and from R&D to marketplace. This would provide a coherent and integrated approach to innovation in Europe and avoid fragmentation of initiatives.’
The report also cited the importance of European RTOs in the development and deployment of KETs for European industry. As such, EARTO members have offered their continued support and capabilities to further efforts on those key priorities with the European Commission, European Parliament, member states and regions for the benefits of their relevant industrial partners, including large companies and SMEs.