Digital key SME gets H2020 backing
An SME behind an innovative access control and unlocking system has won funding under Horizon 2020.
The European Commission has awarded start-up LEAPIN Digital Keys funding under Phase 1 of the SME Instrument. The money will be used to explore the feasibility of rolling out its digital key/smart lock technology in hotels across Europe.
The Australian start-up, which is incorporated in the UK and set up offices in London earlier this year, utilises smartphone and cloud-based technologies to enable guests to check-in to hotels digitally and receive their time-sensitive digital keys for their rooms in their smartphones. LEAPIN’s Digital Keys work for any size hotel, and through any booking channel.
Commenting, Steve Dunn, CEO/co-founder of LEAPIN Digital Keys, said: “Our technology will allow the European travel industry to effectively improve management and security. Not only will this have a positive business impact for hoteliers, travel software companies, and our lock manufacturer partners, but it will bring convenience benefits and savings to the guest by facilitating the shift to digital check-in and digital keys.”
In the latest round of funding, the European Commission received 1,873 proposals, with 141 SMEs from 24 countries selected for funding.