ICT info day announced
A workshop on EU ICT research funding is set to take place next month.
The event, entitled ‘Net Futures Information Day and Networking event’, is being organised by DG CONNECT in the European Commission. The info day will primarily focus on new research grant calls in the ‘Net Futures’ section of the 2016-2017 ICT work programme, as part of Horizon 2020.
Taking place on 25 January in Brussels, delegates will be addressed by Net Futures Director Mario Campolargo. His talk will be followed by a series of further discussions on Horizon 2020, including legal and financial aspects of the EU research and innovation framework programme, social sciences and humanities, and submission and evaluation.
Information will also be provided on the network technologies and the ‘internet of things’ calls; software, related services and the Cloud; net innovation; and experimental platforms. There will also be opportunities for networking.
The workshop will be held at the Albert Borschette Congress Center and initial details, including a draft agenda, can be found here.