Telefónica and IMDEA create 5G lab
IMDEA Networks Institute and Telefónica R&D have established a collaborative research and innovation laboratory focusing on 5G technologies.
It’s envisaged that the lab, known as 5TONIC, will be an open research and innovation ecosystem, allowing industry and academia to collaborate in order to boost innovative ventures for technology and business. The laboratory will focus on research, field-testing and demonstration of technologies and equipment required to support 5G communications, services and applications.
5TONIC will initially be structured in two main areas, the 5G virtual software network area and the 5G wireless systems area. It will also serve to display and demonstrate the capabilities and interoperation of precommercial 5G equipment, services and applications by leading global companies, helping industry to perform an evaluation of technologies with the latest innovations in the core network.
The private-public initiative also aims to create blueprints for new technologies and standards that will define future 5G networks in view of Horizon 2020. The main site will be located at IMDEA Networks’ headquarters in Leganés, Spain. More companies are being encouraged to join 5TONIC.