KETs and European Industrial Renaissance
At a Key Enabling Technologies summit in Grenoble, France, European and local entrepreneurs, together with research organisations, met to discuss the future challenges for the reindustrialisation of Europe by using the most innovative and strategic technologies.
This summit was the first concrete answer to the recommendations on Industrial Policy of the European Council in March, which recognised KETs as of crucial importance for industrial competitiveness and invited Europeans to strengthen KETs by identifying projects of interest.
Michel Barnier, acting European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, chaired the event. Barnier restated the full commitment of the Commission in implementing the EU strategy for the promotion of KETs and highlighted the important steps already taken. He also sent a strong message to both European industry and to EU member states, calling for increased co-operation to tackle the challenge of re-industrialisation, in particular by working together on ambitious industrial projects of European interest. Talking about the potential of KETs for SMEs in particular, the Commissioner acknowledged the need for further helping SMEs in realising these opportunities.
Also present at the event was Geneviève Fiorasio, French Secretary of State of Higher Education and Research. The summit was hosted by the president of the High Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies, Jean Therme, at the CEA’s main campus in Grenoble.
KETs are one of the priorities in the Commission’s re-industrialisation strategy. KETs comprise micro- and nanoelectronics, advanced materials, biotechnology, photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing systems.