Sherlock opens EuroSME2013 conference
Seán Sherlock, the Irish Minister for Research and Innovation, has formally opened the EuroSME2013 Conference at Dublin Castle, Ireland.
Taking place under the auspices of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the conference will focus on the traits required to become an entrepreneur and how SMEs can compete effectively in an increasingly globalised world, gaining maximum benefit from both existing and future public private support mechanisms.
Opening the conference, Sherlock said: “SMEs are the engines of economic growth, the backbone of the Irish economy and the principal sources of new employment. By increasing their ability to innovate, we will drive job creation and economic growth. That is why Ireland has championed an increase in the target for SME participation in Horizon 2020…from 15% to 20%.”
The minister added that he hoped agreement on the next research and innovation Framework Programme can be found before the close of the Irish Presidency at the end of June.
The event will provide an opportunity to help entrepreneurs influence and shape the EU’s innovation agenda, and will also introduce SME-specific measures within Horizon 2020 to this community.