SME Instrument sees 3,146 proposals
Applications topped 3,146 for the fourth SME Instrument cut-off of 2015.
The Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) received 2,056 proposals for Phase 1 by the 25 November cut-off. Most proposals concerned ICT; innovative business models and health followed. Italy submitted the largest number of project proposals, followed by Spain and the UK.
For the second phase, EASME received 1,090 proposals. Most were submitted for health, followed by ICT and low carbon and efficient energy systems. Again, most proposals came from Italy, Spain and the UK.
The number of proposals received in November hit the record number of 3,146 total proposals; this compares with 2,833 in September and 2,990 in June 2015. Evaluations are now ongoing and, should all go according to schedule, results will be available around mid-January.