Graphene impresses at mobile event
The Graphene Pavilion at Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2016 (22-25 February) proved that graphene will be increasingly influential to future mobile technology. A jointly co-ordinated project between the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Barcelona, Spain, and the Graphene Flagship, the Graphene Pavilion was a highlight at the MWC 2016, where 12 research centres and 12 European companies wit...
€30.5m won under Fast Track to Innovation scheme
The European Commission is awarding €30.5m to 15 innovative projects to help speed u...
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has increased its €500m trade and export finance ...
INSIGHT project to aid 5G transition
Future radar imaging systems and 5G communication systems will generate improved resol...
EIF and Fondo di Garanzia to support Italian SMEs
The EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Ent...
Graphene light detectors for 3D cameras
Graphene, used as a highly sensitive light detector, is being integrated into a camera...
Maastricht University launches H2020 projects
Maastricht University, the Netherlands, is to take part in two new Horizon 2020-funded...
CommBeBiz Innovation Awards return
The second annual CommBeBiz Awards provide practical support to European scientific p...
New 2D material could rival graphene
A new material – discovered by a physicist at the University of Kentucky, US, in col...
Graphene as 3D printed aerogels
A 3D printing technique for the fabrication of graphene aerogels with complex microst...
LG and Intel collaborate on 5G in transport
At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, LG Electronics and Intel have reveal...
UK university spearheads raw materials project
The University of Exeter, UK, is to lead a groundbreaking new collaborative research p...
SKA receives boost from Horizon 2020
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project – an international effort to build the worl...
Israeli company wins SME Instrument grant
Israel-based Lingacom Ltd., a developer and manufacturer of muon-based detection solut...
Photonics PPP launches new pilot lines
Europe’s industrial competitiveness is to receive a boost thanks to the launch of th...