InnoEnergy partners with ÖBO
InnoEnergy has signed a strategic partnership with ÖrebroBostäder AB (ÖBO), a real ...
Organic crystal research gains funding
An international project investigating a new method of controlling the growth of organ...
Galileo satnav due to go live
Europe’s Galileo satnav system is set to go live on 15 December, promising to outper...
Liverpool secures funding for ‘green corridors’
Liverpool City Council, UK, has secured £3.4m (~€4.1m) in funding to develop ‘gre...
Scientists create electronic sensors from Graphene
Researchers in Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research (AMBER) at the Trinity C...
EU invests in Ukrainian automation start-up
The EU is to invest in Ukrainian tech start-up Polyteda Cloud in order to help it merg...
UK boosts manufacturing funding
Six universities across the UK are to share government funding through the Engineering...
Energy storage project receives funding
The Electrochemical Conversion of Renewable Electricity into Fuels and Chemicals (ELCO...
UK fusion lab faces uncertain future
A world-leading laboratory that has pioneered research in fusion energy for nearly 40 ...
Graphene-enhanced aircraft flies
Prospero, the first model aircraft to incorporate a graphene skinned wing, was success...
ESA calls upon ministers for funding
European science and research ministers will be asked by ESA officials when they next ...
Graphene textiles could enable wearable electronics
Researchers at the Cambridge Graphene Centre (CGC) at the University of Cambridge, UK,...
COST action to trace the evolution of the Universe
A new European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) network is to focus on the...
Project set to develop low-cost Si-Photonic transceivers
French research and technology organisation Leti has announced the launch of a project...
New agri-food programmes approved
The European Commission has approved 60 new programmes to promote EU agricultural prod...