Israeli company wins SME Instrument grant
Israel-based Lingacom Ltd., a developer and manufacturer of muon-based detection solutions, has been awarded a €1m contract by the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument for the development of an advanced vehicle scanning solution. Lingacom’s technology is based on high-energy natural atmospheric cosmic ray muon particles, which have the highest known penetration levels on Earth and are capable of penetrating and ...
45 SMEs secure SME Instrument funding
45 SMEs from 19 countries have been selected in the latest round of the Horizon 2020 S...
Israel signs first InnovFin SME Guarantee
Israeli SMEs are to benefit from easier access to risk capital thanks to a new EU-back...
Horizon 2020 European Brokerage Event
The Enterprise Europe Network, the National Contact Points for nanotechnologies, advan...
Opportunity for Swedish SMEs
Norrlandsfonden, a trust fund that promotes development in SMEs in Sweden, lends rough...
SME lending growth for UK
Since the recession of 2006, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK have ...
EU launches SME Innovation Associate programme
The EU is to launch a new programme to help SMEs and start-ups recruit the best postdo...
185 SMEs selected for SME Instrument funding
Some 185 SMEs from 26 countries have been selected for funding under Phase 1 of the la...
Horizon 2020 to provide €35m to Bulgarian SMEs
The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria have agreed to increase...
EFSI and InnovFin support Spanish midcaps
The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Inveready Venture Finance have signed a guarant...
EASME awards €1.5m HPC grant
Bright Computing has been awarded an Horizon 2020 grant of over €1.5m from the Execu...
The European Investment Fund (EIF) – part of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Grou...
EBN to chair business growth session
An upcoming session of the European Innovation Ecosystems conference will be chaired b...
Start-ups meet with EIT Digital students
Three successful start-ups have shared their knowledge and advice with Master School s...
Register for green innovation forum
The Green Innovation and Investment Forum will this year be held on 23 and 24 February...