Finnish company wins €2.5m H2020 funding
TactoTek, a leading manufacturer of 3D injection moulded structural electronics (IMSE)...
Transport and space projects gain momentum
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, an innovation support company with projects ...
Innovate UK sponsors Venturefest SW 2016
The UK’s national contact point for Horizon 2020, Innovate UK, is sponsoring this ye...
Commission emphasises regional factor
European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, has de...
Worldsensing begins smart parking project
Spain and UK-based company Worldsensing develops wireless sensing technologies for the...
Irish institute reports on 26 H2020 projects
Tyndall National Institute in Cork, Ireland, has released its 2015 report showing 26 o...
Utility Industry Awards open for entries
The European Utility Industry Awards will be held this year in Barcelona, Spain, by Eu...
KIC InnoEnergy recognises potential
KIC InnoEnergy has honoured three ideas at the final stage of the ‘MSc Energy for Sm...
236 companies win SME Instrument funding
236 SMEs have secured a total of €86m worth of funding in the latest round of Horizo...
The time for talking is over
Heinrich Daembkes and Laila Gide discuss the ARTEMIS Industry Association’s Strategi...
Moedas reassures UK researchers
Commissioner for research Carlos Moedas has reassured UK researchers that their validi...
UK researchers fear Brexit cuts
UK scientists are concerned about being excluded from EU-funded research projects befo...
EBRD provides Turkey with renewables funds
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has made USD 110m (~€98m...
SESAR 2020 begins exploratory research
The first SESAR 2020 exploratory research projects aiming to modernise air traffic man...
Commission boosts cultural and creative sectors
The European Commission and the European Investment Fund (EIF) have launched a €121m...