Partner Profile

Noisun Project, Municipality of Lerum

Areas of Expertise

The goal of the Noisun Project is to demonstrate an innovative noise barrier that produces solar distributed to the district heating system. This will be achieved by installing and evaluating the specially adapted solar panels along the transport corridor through Lerum. The project will demonstrate that the technology is an easy solution to significantly reduce noise levels from both road and rail traffic in European cities, to get a more attractive local environment and at the same time produce useful energy to the local district heating network.

The Noisun project is a part of the LIFE+ programme, the EU’s financial instrument to support environmenta project throughout the EU. The project’s partners are: the municipality of Lerum, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Lerum Fjärrvärme and the Swedish Transport Administration.

Recent Publications

Research Interests
  • Demonstrating an optimal design for noise barriers with solar heat production adapted to both the road and rail environments
  • Demonstrating an optimal technical solution for connections to the district heating system and compatibility between solar energy provision and other energy sources in the energy system
  • Testing and demonstrating the technical solutions in a full scale facility along a stretch of the main western railway line and the E20 motorway through Lerum
  • Measuring and optimising the contribution of solar energy production to the district heating system
  • Evaluating the socioeconomic effects of the facility, based on noise reduction and solar energy contributions to the energy system