Pfalzklinikum fuer Psychiatrie und Neurologie
The founders of the ‘Pfalzklinikum’ did it right when, in 1857, they built a hospital for mentally ill people in the open countryside of the idyllic southern Palatinate; far away from their morbid environment, ill persons should recover amid beautiful scenery. Nevertheless, the concept of centralised psychiatric healthcare that had evolved over the years added to the mentally ill people’s social isolation and exclusion.
In the meantime, psychiatric hospitals are trying to move closer to the community. The network of inpatient, day-care, and outpatient treatment facilities and community services is closely knit all over the region in order to treat and supportmentally ill persons in their familiar surroundings, close to their families, and facilitate their reintegration into society and improve inclusion.
Nowadays, the ‘Pfalzklinikum’ offers treatment possibilities and assistance for mentally ill and disabled people at 11 places in the Palatinate and has become a clinical centre and a provider for community-based services for the whole region.
As a service provider for mental health, the ‘Pfalzklinikum’ offers:
- General Psychiatry
- Psychiatry of later life
- Child and adolescence psychiatry
- Outpatient services and day care
- Psychotherepeutic
- Psychosomatic
- Neurological
- Social therapeutic
- Community-based services in many regions of the Palatinate