350 European RTOs call on ministers to avoid 2015 cuts
Members of the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO) have expressed concern over “significant cuts” to the 2015 budget proposed by the Council of the European Union.
The 350 members of EARTO are calling on the Council to avoid cuts to the EU 2015 budget, a 10% reduction when compared to the initial figures proposed by the European Commission. According to the association, the budget cuts to Horizon 2020 would affect 600 projects, involving more than 7,000 participations and around 1,400 SMEs. Currently, over 70 projects – amounting to €36m – are blocked and incurring interest for late payments. In addition, when compared to the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), the Commission was obliged to reduce the level of pre-financing for new commitments, from 60% under FP7 to 35% under Horizon 2020.
EARTO president Maria Khorsand said: “Such cuts in the budget will not contribute to supporting economic recovery and tackling Europe’s innovation emergency. EARTO members, representing nearly one-third of EU R&I programmes’ beneficiaries, will suffer payment delays and blockages in key EU-funded projects involving their industrial partners (large companies and SMEs). In today’s economic context, EU member states should make investments in research and innovation a clear priority for Europe.”
Joining the European Commission in condemning the cuts in the EU 2015 budget for research and innovation, the European Parliament clearly stated that the budget should be used as an investment tool to help overcome the crisis and that cuts will considerably undermine European growth and job creation through innovation. RTOs also expressed their support to the Commission and Parliament on this serious issue.
EARTO is a non-profit organisation and was founded in 1999.