Commission expects first H2020 calls in December
The European Commission has outlined an updated legislative timeline for Horizon 2020.
An agreement on the next research and innovation framework programme was finally adopted in June under the Irish Council Presidency. The Commission expects preparatory work for Horizon 2020 to take place throughout the remainder of September and October by the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee before a final vote by MEPs during the latter half of next month or the start of November.
The plenary vote on Horizon 2020 is dependent on MEPs giving the final green light to the EU’s next Multiannual Financial Framework, with a vote expected in a separate plenary session in September or October.
Following the series of Parliamentary votes, it’s expected that the Council of the European Union will formally approve the legislative package on Horizon 2020 in November or December. This will then enable the adoption of Horizon 2020’s work programmes followed by the publication of the first calls for proposals in December.
The Horizon 2020 legislative package uses the ‘ordinary legislative procedure’, formerly known as co-decision. A series of national launch events are expected to take place throughout the autumn and winter in EU member states.