London to host Horizon 2020 information day
An information day on Horizon 2020 will be held at University College London on 28 March 2014. It is part of a series of events organised by the National Contact Points at Research Councils UK for organisations interested in exploring funding opportunities in the new framework programme.
There will be an introduction to the programme, a discussion on legal and financial issues and information on research infrastructures, including e-infrastructures. There will also be a chance for those present to obtain an evaluator’s perspective on their proposal.
Two presentations will also be held, one entitled ‘Europe in a changing world: Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies and social sciences and humanities embedded across H2020’, and one on the Health Societal Challenge.
The day will also feature drop-in sessions with one of the National Contact Points for questions and specific advice not covered during the main session.
The event is free but registration is necessary.