New work programme online
The European Commission have released the official documents for the next Horizon 2020 work programme, which runs during 2016 and 2017.
Researchers, policy makers and scientists can now access specific papers relating to each objective under the three main pillars of Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and the Societal Challenges, as well as Spreading excellence and widening participation and Science with and for society. Also available are the calls from the European Research Council and under EURATOM.
The new work programme, the first to be presented by the European Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker, also includes a specialist document focusing on the cross-cutting activities of Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy, the Internet of Things, and Smart and Sustainable Cities. Several research calls under each of the topics are available, including a particular focus on Factories of the Future, Sustainable Process Industries and Sustainable cities through nature-based solutions.
The new work programme can be downloaded in full here.