Polish Academy launches ERA Chair search
A leading Polish academic and research institute has announced the launch of its €2.5m European ERA Chair grant competition.
World-class experts in the field of research on the borders of biology, chemistry and physics are being offered the opportunity to create their own chair at the Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC), Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The opening includes the possibility of the implementation of their own research programme, selection of research staff and choice of new measuring apparatus; a good salary is also understood to be on offer.
Professor Robert Hołyst of the IPC, said: “Our intention is to find a scholar of world renown who will be able to make use of the hitherto successes of the institute in areas such as microfluidic technology, analytical chemistry, modern biological chemistry and non-linear optics and lead the chair to new research areas, located on the borders of biology with chemistry and physics.”
It is hoped that the winner’s qualifications will allow for effective competition in order to secure some of the sort-after European grants, namely ERC Advanced Grants and Starting Grants. Hołyst adds that though the scheme, it is hoped that Poland will be able to match its converted history of scientists and researchers, which include Nicolaus Copernicus and Maria Skłodowska-Curie.
He commented: “Our predecessors have set us extremely high intellectual and scientific standards. Not only do we want to meet these standards, but we intend to raise them further and develop them. This is our goal, this is where our commitment lies – and this is the purpose of the ERA Chair grant.”
European Research Area Chair grants are awarded under Horizon 2020, and aim to attract the most eminent academics to scientific institutions operating in the recently adopted EU member states. It’s hoped that the implementation of the scheme will be to raise the standard of science in new EU member states as well as increase its competitiveness to a level enabling effective competition with leading research centres in Europe and the wider world.