EURAXESS roadshow sets off
EURAXESS roadshow sets off © *Brujita* 4 March, 2014

Researchers in Motion roadshow begins

A specially adapted bus will visit university campuses in 29 European cities in 22 countries to raise awareness of various EURAXESS services.

At each stop, mainly in central and south-eastern Europe, young people will be able to get help with their CVs and hear from researchers who have already used the service. The roadshow aims to increase the knowledge about the services that EURAXESS offers, including getting easier access to the research job market, learning about funding opportunities and developing their career and mobility experience.

The events will also promote the HR Excellence in Research logo, which recognises institutions respecting the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Over 170 institutions have already been awarded this badge of excellence. It’s expected that EURAXESS members will organise charter and code related events in their universities or institutions on the day of local roadshow events.

‘EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion’ is a European Commission initiative that aims to support development of the European Research Area by addressing barriers to the mobility of researchers and to enhance scientific collaboration between Europe and the world. EURAXESS is supported by 40 participating countries across Europe.

Designed as a comprehensive tool set, it provides access to a complete range of information and support services that are structured across four pillars: jobs, services, rights and links. EURAXESS also provides information on research job vacancies and funding opportunities, work permits and visa issues, employment rights and international co-operation.