Smits: H2020 simplification ‘key’
Smits: H2020 simplification ‘key’ © European Commission 31 January, 2014

Smits: the world’s largest RDI funding programme, simplified

Robert-Jan Smits has proclaimed Horizon 2020 as the world’s largest research and innovation funding programme at the launch of the new EU framework programme in the UK.

Speaking at the UK launch event in London, the director general of DG Research and Innovation in the European Commission highlighted the three-pillar structure of Horizon 2020, its near €80bn budget and the importance of simplification.

At the event at the Royal Society, attended by Horizon 2020 Projects, Smits said simplification was key to the new framework programme and this was a core goal of the European Commission. He commented that whilst many sectors had lobbied for derogations during Horizon 2020 negotiations, the Commission believed a single set of rules and participation criteria was key.

He also described PPPs as an “important” part of Horizon 2020 and he hoped a final agreement regarding the Joint Technology Initiatives would be sealed ahead of European Parliament elections in May.

Smits also drew attention to UK RDI funding intensity was below the EU average and said this would need to be improved.

The director general also set out the latest on the international co-operation agreements in Horizon 2020. He said a deal had already been signed with Israel, whilst negotiations were far advanced with Switzerland and Norway and expected to be completed soon.