Basque Government presents strategy for RDI funding
At the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao, Spain, the Basque Government presented the ‘Strategic Book of Basque R+D+i in Europe, 2014-2020’ – the instrument around which the strategy for internationalisation of the Basque System of Science, Technology and Innovation is structured.
This puts forward a number of objectives for participation in Horizon 2020, and providing support services to companies and players in order to achieve their compliance with these aims.
The Basque Government said it is necessary to continue committing to innovation and knowledge as key factors in competitiveness and, especially due to the level of maturity attained by the scientific technological policies in Euskadi, to achieve better results and greater financial returns from RDI investment.
The principal aims of the strategic book include increasing Basque participation in all pillars of Horizon 2020 and participating in 2,100 European RDI projects over the next seven years and achieving financing of €805m. The strategy also includes reinforcing the participation of companies, particularly SMEs, in line with the European objective that 20% of the budget should be earmarked for small and medium sized firms.