Commission develops smart energy system
Acknowledging the need to develop synergies between the ICT and energy sectors, the European Commission has placed the digital transformation of the energy sector high on its agenda.
Digital technologies already play an important role in the energy sector, particularly for smart grids and smart metering systems, smart home appliances, smart charging solutions for electric vehicles and smart cities.
The direction foreseen in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package adopted by the commission last year is being negotiated by the European Parliament and the European Council.
The proposed EU regulatory framework augurs a consumer-centric energy system so that they can benefit from innovative energy services such as smart grids, smart meters and smart homes.
The package will also encourage the use of smart technologies and ICT to ensure buildings operate more efficiently while supporting the development of smart charging solutions for electric vehicles.
Research and innovation into energy-related digital technologies is financially supported via the Horizon 2020 programme: for 2018 and 2019, some €80m of EU funding will be invested in projects that focus on combining ICT and energy technology development.