Report reveals EU innovation improvement
A new EU report has revealed that levels of innovation may be improving in the EU, but the gap between the most and least innovative member states is widening.
The Commission marks out the commercialisation of innovations, coupled with advanced research systems as drivers of innovation.
Antonio Tajani, the European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said: “This year’s results show that the economic crisis has negatively impacted innovation activity in some parts of Europe. Investment in innovation is crucial if we want to maintain our global competitiveness and restore growth in Europe. We need to encourage entrepreneurship as SMEs have been a key driver of innovation.”
The report highlights how Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Finland lead Europe in the innovation stakes, while Poland, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria fall well below the EU average. The three Baltic states, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, are identified as showing the greatest improvement in innovation over the year.
The full report can be viewed here.